Sunday, 29 November 2009

Huckerby's Adventures

Its a busy time of year coming up at Pulham Primary School with lots of exciting Christmas activities including the Christmas play and Carol Service.
Huckerby is really looking forward to all the fun!
He is also going on a school trip on Tuesday with Classes 3 and 4 to Gressenhall museum to learn all about a Victorian Christmas.
Look out for some photos in the next couple of weeks!

Huckerby meets Darren Huckerby!

On the 10th of November 2009, Pulham Primary School had a special visitor for Huckerby the bear to meet. The former Norwich City Football Club player Darren Huckerby had recently returned from playing football in America and very kindly agreed to come to school to meet Huckerby our bear and talk to the children.

He spoke to the school in assembly about what it was like to be a professional footballer and even made time to answer lots of the children's questions. We found it very interesting to listen to his answers. Darren then had his photo taken for the local newspaper with some of the children and Huckerby the bear.

Huckerby at our Remembrance Service

Huckerby enjoyed his visit to our local church for the Remembrance service. He enjoyed singing the songs with the children and looking at the beautiful poppies they had made. You can just about see him in the middle of all the poppies!!