Bunnet really enjoyed his visit to Norwich Castle. He enjoyed looking at all the different exhibitions and particularly liked the polar bear and lion exhibits.
He was lucky enough to go there on a trip too with Classes 3 and 4 to see a 'Beatles to Bowie' exhibition. This helped him with one of his other challenges, learning about famous musicians in the UK. More about his discoveries later!
Mid Calder Primary has 13 classes, a music room and an ICT room. Carlos visited all the classes and had his photograph taken in each. He also went to see our Depute Head and Head Teacher.
This morning we sent a team of Primary 1 children round the infant department to take photographs of the children and their teachers.
Head Teacher- Mr Girdwood
Depute Head Teacher- Miss Macrae
Morning Nursery Class-30 children
Afternoon Nursery Class-28 children
Primary 1A in Mrs Clement’s class have 25 children and they are doing this challenge with Carlos.
In P1B-the teacher is Mrs Northam and she has 25 children in her class
Primary 2A - Mrs Murray’s class has 20 children in it.
Mrs Smith is the teacher of Primary 2B with 21 children in her Class.
Primary 3 has 29 children in it and the teacher is Mrs Tempany.
Primary 4/3 class Mr Brice-24 children
Primary 4 – Miss Cotter and Mrs Ghafoor-29 children
Primary 5 Mrs Wood/Mrs Beveridge -27 children
Primary 5 - Miss Dunsmore-26 children
Primary 6A-Miss Storrar-30 children
Primary 6B - Mrs Hendry- 30 children
Primary 7A - Miss Struthers-30 children
Primary 7 B-Mr Dickson-30 children
Music Teacher-Miss Cotter
ICT Teacher – Mrs Gordon
PE teacher-Mrs Mitchell
Support for Learning Teacher- Mrs McGonigal
Carlos asked the childrenin primary 1 all about their school uniform. They took photos of the uniform and the children made a list of all the items their parents had to buy them for them for starting school.
Here are some of us in our hats getting ready to go home. Carlos had an excellent afternoon!