Saturday, 17 April 2010

Art at Pulham School

We also had a very exciting Easter hat making art activity. Mrs. Read ordered lots of lovely materials for us to use to make our hats and we spent an afternoon making them. Our parents were invited and Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Lange helped us too. At the end of the afternoon we had a parade in the hall and a raffle. It was a lovely afternoon and we made some wonderful hats. As you can see we do a wide variety of art activities at Pulham Primary School!

Here are some of us in our hats getting ready to go home. Carlos had an excellent afternoon!

Art in Class 3

Children in Class 3 do art lessons with Mrs. Read every other Thursday. This term our topic has been about the rainforests and Mrs. Read has planned some really exciting art lessons linked to this. We have been looking at pictures of, designing and making our own tribal shields. We have had great fun as you can see from some of these pictures. We are going to finish these off after the holidays and will post some pictures on the blog!

Carlos investigates

Over the last few weeks Carlos has been finding out about Art at Pulham Primary School.

Carlos has been going to lots of different classes over the last few weeks and seeing some of the activities we have been doing in art.

We have an art store where we keep all the equipment like paint, brushes, glue, glitter, material and Mrs. Read is the teacher who is in charge of Art so she likes to go around the classes and see the art work children have done, talk to them and the teachers about their work and sometimes she even gets the chance to watch some art lessons too. It is also her job to order materials that we like to use in art.

We sometimes have special events that use art for example we had an international World Book Day where each teacher chose a book from a different country and then children did some activities about them. Lots of the activities involved art for example in Class 3 children worked as a team to create a scene from the story of 'The Tiger Child'.

We often have displays of our work, including art up around the classroom and the school. Pictures of these to follow after the Easter holidays.

Carlos investigates

Carlos has had a very busy few weeks investigating the role of the Deputy Head at Pulham Primary School.
4 children from Class 4 Georgia, Amelia, Seth and Ruairi thought of some questions to ask Mr. Carlyle about teaching and his job as Deputy Head and then they interviewed him. Here are the questions they asked and the answers Mr. Carlyle gave.

Can you give us one word to tell us about your job? Interesting.
How did you become a teacher? I have been a teacher for thirteen years and I have worked in lots of different schools. I came to Pulham two years ago from Diss Junior School.
What is it like being a Deputy Head and having a class? I am always very busy and sometimes it can be a bit tricky not just teaching but I really enjoy it.
Do you enjoy being a teacher? I love teaching because it is really fun and every day is different.
Are you a strict teacher? I tell people off when I have to but I have fun with my class too.
What time do you go home? Generally I go home at around five thirty. As I am Deputy Head I often have meetings to go to after school or jobs to do with the Headteacher. I also run clubs for the children after school some evenings too.
What subjects do you like teaching the best? I really enjoy teaching English and PE.

Thanks Mr. Carlyle for answering our questions!

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Reward System at Carmen Conde school

Hello everyone! Bunnet has been investigating the reward system in our school and this is what he’s found out: In our school, every student starts the school year with a number of points that he/she can lose (12 points). In every class there is a register where any teacher can check the number of points of each pupil in that class. Any teacher can make the decision of substracting one, two or three points to a student. There are some rules students have to know in order not to lose points, such as no shouting or running in the corridors, respect the rest of students, walk on your right in the corridors or respect the teacher. All this rules are written in a poster in every class. If a student loses all his/her points, his/her teacher, together with the head team, will decide a punishment for him/her. On the contrary, if a student keeps all his/her points until the end of one term, he/she will get a price. Here you have some pictures.